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The Purpose of the Emotion Regulation Lab (ERL) is

To gain a better understanding of how people regulate
their emotions.


The Emotion Regulation Lab (ERL) at Bar Ilan University

Our lab is interested in the role of emotions in healthy and atypical human functioning.

Specifically, we aim to gain a better understanding of how individuals differ in their ability to regulate their emotions.

Differences in the ability to regulate emotions in context-appropriate ways represent a clinically meaningful phenomenon that plays a role in the emergence of mood disorders.


Research in our lab focuses on the mechanisms that underlie difficulty in regulating emotions as well as develop interventions to improve regulation capacity.




Our lab manager, Noa Tsuk-Ram, did a great job presenting our work on "Flexibility as Moderating the Impact of Prediction Error on Depression", at the CERE CONFERENCE 2023, held at the University of Haifa

Congratulations to Gil!
Congratulations to Or!

Congratulations to our staff member, Gil Nissim,  for winning the Best Poster Award at the Assembly of the Department of Psychology of Bar Ilan

Congratulations to our staff member, Or Cohen Ben Simon, for receiving a publication award by the President and the Dean of Graduate Studies, for her article "On the Contextual Factors that Impact the Adaptivity of Reappraisal"

New Year, New Project!

What an honor to receive a grant from the Israel Cancer Association (ICA)! Shimrit wrote this grant with her PhD student Shahaf Bitan. The grant will help us investigate the emotional battle throughout the cancer trajectory: From surviving treatments to facing fear of recurrence. 

Excited about 2023!

So much happening in the lab!

Experiment running, lab meetings, training the staff to use physiological metrics... 

Good luck!

Congratulations to Noa!

Congratulations to our staff member, Noa Tsuk-Ram, for being rewarded for her presentation "predictions & flexibility" project, at this week's departmental conference in Bar-Ilan university.

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Huge congrats to Ke Wang, Amit Goldenberg and to the many, many Psychological Science Accelerator collaborators! We feel very grateful to be part of this team.

Across 21,644 participants, 87 countries, & with 456 collaborators, we found that reappraisal decreased negative emotions and increased positive ones during the pandemic. To read more:


Very excited to see that the first paper from the PsySciAcc ( project is out at @NatureHumBehav (!

Congratulations to Or!

Congratulations to our staff member, Or Cohen Ben Simon,  for receiving a grant from "Bishvil Hahayim" (Path to Life), an Israeli non-profit organization, for her Ph.D. research proposal. This grant was given to commemorate Lior Zfati which committed suicide while she was only 18.

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